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Distance from Earth to Mars

The distance between Earth and Mars varies significantly due to the elliptical shapes of their orbits around the Sun. On average, the distance between Earth and Mars is about:
225 million kilometers (140 million miles).

However, the distance can range from about 54.6 million kilometers (33.9 million miles) at its closest to about 400 million kilometers (248 million miles) at its farthest.

The distance between Earth and Mars can also vary over time due to the way their orbits intersect and the gravitational influences of other planets in the solar system. As a result, the distance between Earth and Mars changes throughout the year and can affect the feasibility of spacecraft missions between the two planets.

Do you want to witness the upcoming Mars Close Approach? Keep an eye out for the Red Planet at some of these upcoming opportunities:

Date Time (UTC) Earth-Mars Distance
miles km
Jan. 12, 2025 13:37:09 59,703,892 96,084,100
Feb. 20, 2027 00:12:53 63,016,511 101,415,244
March 29, 2029 12:55:12 60,163,089 96,823,106