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Distance from Earth to Moon

The moon is the only satellite of the earth, but its orbit is not perfectly spherical but elliptical. Because of this fact, the moon-earth distance (earth center to moon center) is not constant but varies.

The earth to moon distance NOW is: 390.554 kilometers

The figure shows the course of the moon's orbit around the earth. Point 1 shown in the figure is called "apogee" and is the position of the moon that is farthest from the earth, while point 2 is called "perigee" and is the position of the moon that is closest to the earth.

Moon trajectory around the earth

The earth-moon distance is therefore each time between the apogee and perigee distances.

The earth-moon distance NOW can be found above, whereas as far as teh other distances:
Average earth-moon distance: 384.403 kilometers
Earth moon distance at apogee: 406.700 kilometers
Earth moon distance at perigee: 356.500 kilometers